The Biblical Way to Find Your Calling

How do you figure out what you were put on this earth to do?

Well, here’s the answer: You wait.

It takes time to fully step into the person God is forming you to become. In fact, take a few pages from the bible’s playbook and see for yourself:

  1. Moses got his assignment when he was 80 years old.

  2. Jesus started his public calling when he was 30.

  3. Mary, well I guess she was pretty young. I do not recommend getting pregnant at 14 or 15 in today’s culture! ;)

You get the point.

Most successful entrepreneurs, professionals, and movement-starters were in in their 40's and 50's before anyone knew who they were.

Why are we in such a rush to bypass the process?

I don't think our destiny is a place we arrive one day at a certain age. I think our calling or destiny looks like the day-to-day process of living life and being stretched, challenged, and refined in the menial and mundane tasks.

God is in the little things too.

I think that makes those mundane and menial seasons just as sacred as any.

Doing the dishes is sacred.

Playing with your kids is sacred.

Taking out the trash, cleaning, heck–even creating. . .all of it is sacred.

We can either complain we're not doing something more "exciting" or recognizable, OR we can find God in the bottom of the sink, under the dirty dishes.

Relax. Slow down. Keep making. Keep creating. Steward where you are and you’ll find yourself bumping face first into your calling along the way.

For Glory & Beauty,

Your friend, Brandon


A Life Lesson From a Lyft Driver


The Abundant Creative Manifesto™